Paleto Bay Sheriff Department Explained
Hello and Welcome to The Paleto Bay Sheriffs Department. In this section you will learn how we patrol and our typcial calls. In our department you work 24 On and 24 Off, meaning you will work 24 Hours"Game Time" 24 Minutes "Regular Time" and your shift will always end at 24:00 on your phone"Game Phone". Of course you can always pick up extra hours if you wish too but by no means are required to. We also will allow officers to take squad cars to there home during off duty hours "Learn more in banking and Roleplay Page". Paleto Bay typically deals with smaller calls such as typical Traffic Stops, Domestic Disputes, Noise Violations, House Fires, and Motor Accidents name a few. With that said We do occasionally have police pursuits along with occasional robberies. Now with these calls we always make sure our officers are very well trained so we can keep them safe and prepared at every call. The biggest tool is to always know your area.
Careers in the Paleto Bay Sheriff Department
First off we would like to thank you for your interest in opening a career in the Paleto Bay Sheriffs Department. Rather your starting your career or continuing your career in a new county, Our Department is a great choice. Our Department offers new extensive training, great pay, and fellow officers who always has your six. Every officer starts in our reserves and during this time you will recieve training while still patrolling with our group. Being in the reserve does not limit you to have to ride with anyone, once you receive proper training you are able to hit the streets by yourself without a partner. Training will almost always take place within 48 hours of your intial contact. After a 2 week training evaluation you will either be left in the reserves "very rare" or will receive your first promotion. Ways to succesfully pass your evaluation is just as simple as being active, learning our ways, be respectful, and learn your codes. After your first promotion all officers recieve monthly evaluations and will usually offer promotions or pay raises. Once again Thanks for your information and we look forward to hopefully hearing from you.