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Official Application

Hello and welcome to this official application into our group. First off thank you for taking the time and looking though our website.  We always take applications and have a 70% acception rate and I would personally say 85% of our new recruits end up loving our group and build lasting friendships.  We pride ourselves on being realistic, professional, and flat extremely fun to be a part of.  So please send us a application or contact one of the PSN accounts named below.  Always remember to add your PSN in your application if you don't just add us.  Also we would like to add that 90% of our applications our responded and trained within 48 hours of applying.  Thanks for your interest.

Chief of Police PSN "The_Crew_24_2F2F"

Assitant Chief "Currently Open"

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Paleto Bay Police Department Proudly serving since 2013

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